Importance of being with the "Community" - Power of Networking

When you are a startup, and you do not have enough money to spend for your startup marketing or branding than I think networking and being with the community is the better alternative for your new startup. As you know that, most of the startups do not have enough money to spend but they need exposures for their marketing. 

Now a days most of the new startups don't have even a little enough money for making their prototypes also. They arrange the fund from here and there. In this case keeping a good number of money for marketing is just a bad idea or can be a risky idea. So we need a to do all this things from a shoe strings budget.

I am going to share with you all from now about some open secret topics about how to be a good person in networking and how power of networking will help you to grow your community reach? Most of this cases you will have to waste just some of your valuable time, but thing is you will earn a lot of things in this mean time.

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