What you will have to face in the early stage of entrepreneurship

Basically Entrepreneurship is a lifestyle. Entrepreneurship is really a big challenge for those who is living in this lifestyle. Entrepreneurship is not easy. Yes it looks like so easy but its not. Sometime its really hard to be in this lifestyle. Friends and Family will start to ignore you. Cause they will be unhappy about your entrepreneurship lifestyle. Now lets have a look on what we will have to tolerate or face in the early stage of entrepreneurship. See at below:

  1. You will have to be a unsocial human being for 2-3 years!
  2. Your family members will say bad things to you regularly those 2-3 years.
  3. There will be no one to see your tears.
  4. When you are in trouble, no one will be there to help you, friends and family members will go far away.
  5. Weekends or Public Holidays? Seriously? What is called Weekends and Public Holidays?
  6. No money in your pocket all in a sudden.
  7. After 12 AM you will get to know that there is no balance is available in your mobile phone.
  8. There is no Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner for us! It can be Brunch or Brunchinner.
  9. You will see changes in your behaviors.
  10. If you are doing good some people will try to use you.
  11. After using they will kick you out from the place.
  12. They will start gossiping and bitching behind you.
  13. Most important and intolerable, Partnership Business will become Proprietorship. All the partners will sleep all day long and you will have to live like “One man Army”.
  14. No time table and proper time management for workings.
  15. Insomnia will be your close friend. You will have to be a night owl if your startup is related to IT.
  16. Tiredness is nothing customer satisfaction is everything for you.
  17. After doing a lot of work when you are going to take a bit rest sudden a call on phone can drag you again out from your home for any important purpose.
  18. Your girlfriend/boyfriend will leave you. Why they will stay with a busy human being like you when you don’t have time for them?

I don’t know it helped or not. This are some important points I found. Beside this there is some more points available. You can share yours too. Let me know yours.

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