Entrepreneurship 101: How to start with your startup?

Want to be an “Entrepreneur”? It is easy to say than try to be one. Leaving a full time secured job for an unfulfilled dream is definitely a courageous thing to do but it takes a lot more than that to be a successful entrepreneur. So, how to start?

Come up with an Idea: First up, you must have a solid Idea. It can be a product or service. But you should have an Idea that can make a difference. Try to find “What” unique feature you are going to offer to the community you are targeting.

Build a business plan: Besides having an idea, you need to have a proper business plan. A business plan outlines your plan, course of action, funding structure etc. You need this if you are willing to have fund from Investors, Angel Investors, Venture capitals, Banks or from other sources.

Be courageous and have faith on yourself: You need courage to do something different. Keep this on your mind, “Most important decision’s of your life is not easy.” And in entrepreneurship, “Dare to come forget to back down “. You must have self-belief. It’s a part of confidence and it shows” how much confident you are?”

Get mentorship: As you are new in the sector, you need some experienced mentors for your startups. Choose the best one your startups. Take some mentorship, advices from them. Discuss all the things with them, share your idea and try to find the loopholes in them. Keep that on your mind, “Learning from other people’s mistake is the best kind of knowledge”.

Try to get funding: People say, “Money talks” and I say, “Money Matters”. Please be aware about the funding of your startups. Count every single penny you need for your startups. Try your FNFs first – family, friends and fools to fund your venture. Give importance in your financial department.

Do Networking: Try to get to know people around you. Exchange business cards with all the people you know around you. Participate in social and entrepreneurs related event in area if possible. Take part in the social events. It will increase your area of network. Use every single media to connect with new people. Keep that on your mind, “You are the best and perfect Marketing Manager of you your own product or service, utilize whatever you have. Just do your part.”

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