How a relationship matters for lovers (Part-1)

Now-a-days, people will tell you before starting a relationship, "Be loyal to me!". But in return, they will never promise that "I will be loyal to you". And if they ever say's that, during breakup they will reply, "Oh! Sorry, it was my mistake that I trusted you, you are not capable of it, your mentality is not enough to love me. Now you can leave!"

Here it ends. In a real relationship, you will never be in a need of spying on your partner. If you have a basic psychological understanding about human behaviors you will understand some changes easily. All changes are not counted as a cause of breakups. Only a few. If you want a "LOYAL" relationship, if you found any changes do not wait just ask straight! The more you are waiting the more you are losing. And if your partner is asking you any question, answer straightly. Do not take a big decision in a moment. Try to hear, try to understand, try to sacrifice, try to co-operate, try to solve the issue, try to find lacking and all the related things those are important to make a relationship strong. Take some time and give some time too.

If you partner is involved in more than 1 relationship, than help him/her to chose a best one for him/her. Do not force her to be with you! Just let him/her understand that what he/she is going to miss if he/she is dumping you. If he/she selects the 3rd person for permanent, it's okay let her go. Cause most of the cases, today's 3rd person is the future 1st person. If she is selecting you, dear you have to do a lot to keep her smile. She is leaving her new love for her old love. So trust me its a challenge. 

Few suggestions: 
4. Avoid Misunderstandings (It's so much important))
2. Avoid age gap (It hampers relationships)
3. Avoid Play boy or Girls or Sluts (They will destroy you for sure)
4. Avoid Miscommunications. (Must)

How can I say this thing you know? Last year I had few breakups. My first love left me cause she got a new one. She can't live with out me and also in the same time she did not want to make him cry! I said, Okay I am leaving be happy. The issue was "Time Gap". In case of my second, I tried to be more polite, decent and loyal. But she compared! She misunderstood me. And though I am in a new relationship. But it was not at all right story. Then after trying several time, I told her it's a far better time to leave now before we become enemy of each other. I broke up instantly. Now the issue was "Age Gap". And about the 3rd, I chose a wrong person seriously. She is the only girl in my life whom I blame. In the case of other 3 previous relationships, I count it's my mistake. She was a real slut! And trust me she might be an escort too! At least, my other ex's were never that much low. Prostitutes are far better than her! And the issue was "She lied to me". 4th was a sweet girl to fall in but it was too early and ended up like all in a sudden. I questioned her several times, she ignored and never answered. The issue was "Lack of understanding". Now she blames me. And I bear it.

If nothing goes right go left! So stay cool. Be sharp about any relationship. Next time there will be no next time. And keep it on your mind, Most important decision of your life is not easy!

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