Key role player and sufferer of World War III - Series:1

According to the statement's of different international media's, most probably World War III is going to start within next week. So who will be on which side? Can you imagine? Let's find out.
United States of America, Israel, Australia, Japan, Turkey, South Korea and most of the Middle Eastern Countries and European Union Countries are will be in a side of Team - A.

On the other hand, Russia, Iran, Syria, North Korea, Ex-Soviet Union Countries are will be in a side of Team - B.

It is very much important to tell you that, I do not keep China & India in both of these lists. Recently China is having the coastal area related clash with the USA. And they are not liking this very much. So there is a high chance visible that, China will be in a side of Russia. I am still confused about India but as far as I know, there is a chance of being with Russia. And there is a possibility, Pakistan will be in a side of the USA, against India for sure!

The USA is officially dependent on China and they want China on their side. 55% of USA people things that Friendship of China with the USA is unacceptable. Their previous relationship was good. But the recent South China Sea coastal activities of USA can change the whole scenario. They are also the largest buyer of their treasury bond. It's probably 1.3 Trillion USD. But the problem comes here, where China imports the record amount of Crude oil from Iran. No.1 Allies of North Korea. Even China argues a reboot of Six-Party talks, which were launched in 2003, include China, Japan, South Korea, Russia and the United States in negotiations with North Korea around the termination of its nuclear programme.

In addition, China do have a good relationship with Pakistan & India. So participation of China in this war can manipulate everything.

During this war, the main problem will face Asia Pacific Countries. Their economy will be ruined because of this World War III. Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Maldives are on the list. They will be affected very much badly. Possibilities of economic destruction's are clearly visible.

The main issue of this WORLD WAR III is so-called ISIS, a sponsored terrorism. A group who claims that they are Muslim, where they are busy in killing human's brutally in the name of Jihad.

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