Key role player and sufferer of World War III - Series:2

Iran do have 2.5 Million active troops, the spent $6 billion USD in their defense budget. Where Saudi Arabia have 2,50,000 active troops and the spent $56 billion USD in their defense budget. Iran is a majority with Shia Muslim and Saudia Arabia is a majority as a Sunni Muslim country. If Iran - Saudi Arabia goes for war, Bahrain, UAE, Sudan will be in the side of Saudia Arabia.

Beside this Saudi Arabia is not the only enemy of Iran, the USA and Israel is also in the top listed 2 countries who hates Iran most. The truth about Israel is their nuclear arsenals. They are stealing nuclear secrets and covertly making bombs since the 1950's. In this case, they are ahead of Iran. And the have at least 80 nuclear weapons. But Iran also has abilities to produce their nuclear weapon. According to world military index, Israel is 11th and Iran are 23rd positions in case of top 25 powerful world militaries. Israel has 800,000 active military troops, where Iran has 2.5 Million active troops almost 8th time larger than Israel and it's considerably harder to invade. Meanwhile, Israel is one of the biggest arms producers. During Iran-Iraq war, Russia, China and North Korea helped Iran by their arms supplies. Israel's Annual Defense budget is $17 billion and Iran's are $6 billion. Israel got advanced arsenals and Iran has outdated arsenals. Israel also has highly trained defense forces in this world. Geographically Israel is far away from Iran but Iran's main headache is USA because they are sharing borders with Afghanistan and Iraq.

In November 2015, a Russian Military plane was shot down by Turkish Airforce. They claim's that the Russian Military Plane violated Turkish airspace. And after this incident, they become enemies of each other. Putin citing National Security and signs economic Sanctions decree on Turkey. And cancelled multi-billion dollar gas pipeline. This is not a new conflict. They are in war since 16th century, where Russia Christian majority and Turkish are Ottomans and Muslim majority. They had several conflict sand wars but Ottoman's never able to win a war against Russia. And they lost all their empires and Turkey was their last land. On 18th February 1952, Greece and Turkey became members of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Turkey do have the 2nd Largest Army in the NATO alliance. They have 610,000 active military personnel and also advanced defence technology.

Currently, Russia is having a problem with Ukraine because of Crimea issue. And because of Ukraine Crisis, EU drafted powerful sanctions against Russia. Russia still do have 8,500 Warheads of the nuclear weapon. 1,800 of them are still operational. And they are ready to fire in any moment. Russia has 845,000 active military bases in comparison to the USA, USA has 1.4 million active military personnel. USA spent more than $600 billion dollars for defense in 2013 and Russia spent just near about $100 billion dollar. Russia do have many Tanks than USA but most of them are backdated.

China has the largest military base with 2.3 million active military personnel in this world. And their military strength is in top 3 after USA and Russia. China spent approximately $126 billion dollar per year for their defense budget. It's more than Russia but not more than USA. They are buying military equipment's from Russia. China has the largest economy of this world and beside this, they are 4th largest country and highest populated country in this world. be continued 

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