Find your android device using Google Search

A smartphone is an important part of our life. Most of the people have smartphones now. But due to our busy life, sometimes we forget to take our phone with us or we lost them in the crowd. And also, we forget that where we lost that device. In this case, whoever found the device, we feel security issues regarding our personal information's and data. So if this happens, what we can do? 

Now I am going to tell you if this happens to you and if you were using an android device then how can you find that where it is.  Even you can lock and erase data if needed. 

How to find your phone - Android Only
Now I am going to tell you if this happens to you and if you were using an android device then how can you find that where it is. Even you can lock and erase data if needed.
Posted by Mahabubur Rahaman on Tuesday, March 8, 2016

First of all, make sure that you were Logged In to your lost device wit your Google Account. Or device you are searching for. Now follow this below steps. (Watch the video visual help) 

> Please Login to the same Google Account 
> Then open a new browser tab
> Write on search bar, "Where is my phone"
> All of your connected devices will be shown after you click on Down arrow, upper side of the map and next to the "Find your phone"
> Click on the device name you want to trace
> If it's on, anywhere the map will show you the possible location.
> Now, you can ring, lock or erase your data if you want.

Watch the video for reference.

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