This is how spelling mistake prevented hackers taking $1bn from Bangladesh Bank's Federal Reserve System US Account

Federal Reserve System is not a single Bank like Bangladesh Bank. Federal Reserve System is established in collaboration with 13 Bank. How did this whole thing happened?

First Hacker's send Payment advice report from Philippine and Sri Lanka. Federal Reserve System asked Bangladesh Bank to "Approve" that. Federal Reserve System is a Global Clearing House like Bangladesh Bank. Somehow hackers approved the payment. After getting approval Federal Reserve System cleared the payment to those requested banks like regular. Now the Question is:

How they got access to approve that payment?

This is so simple to do like any other email communications. Few days ago an ATM Machine SKIMMING hacker hacked the system with his device and stolen around 30 Million BDT. He was a noob for sure. Maybe hackers used him to test the network and its access. I said him noob because he already caught by Bangladesh Police. He just stole 30 Million BDT and he got arrested. But those hackers hacked around 800 Crore BDT but they are out of touch till now. I guess this Skimming hack and Federal Reserve System hacks have some inner connection.

Casino got the money n Philippine, Converted them into chips and send it to Hong Kong. To avoid fraudulence, they used to change hands each and every single transactions. This is almost similar to getting banks payment.

But this $80 Million USD could be $1 Billion. But somehow it's not happened. Why? Just because of a spelling mistake did by hackers. They send $80 Million USD request from Philippine and request to send $20 million to a non-profit organization in Sri Lanka. But due to a spelling mistake, this transaction got a red flag. The reason? Hackers reportedly misspelled “foundation” as “fandation.” This is the way how hackers saved Bangladesh from losing more money from their Federal Reserve System US Account.

Now again, the only question is how they approved the payment transaction? How did this all happens?

1 comment:

  1. I was so anxiuos to know what my husband was always doing late outside the house so i started contacting hackers and was scamed severly until i almost gave up then i contacted this one hacker and he delivered a good job showing evidences i needed from the apps on his phone like whatsapp,facebook,instagram and others and i went ahead to file my divorce papers with the evidences i got,He also went ahead to get me back some of my lost money i sent to those other fake hackers,every dollar i spent on these jobs was worth it.Contact him so he also help you.
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