Some popular Quotes by Mahabubur Rahaman

"Life is all about, Control (CTRL), Alter (ALT) & Delete (DEL).CTRL = CONTROL = Control your Life ALT = ALTERNATIVE = Choose better AlternativeDEL = DELETE = Delete all your Sorrows "
"Its not important to keep hope of getting pay back for the good thing you did in back, but the thing is it will come automatically!"
"Business is possible wherever your business will be visibly available."
"Decision Makes a man big, not family not wealth. Do not take a Big decision. Take a decision and make it big. Don't be dependent be like an Independent"
"Most important decision of your life is not easy!"
"Entrepreneurship is an Addiction! Real life is another addiction! And you can not concentrate on your 2 addiction in a single time. Life is life and entrepreneurship is another life. Both are addiction. So what are you choosing? Entrepreneurship or Life?"
"Utilize what you have (gifted by Allah) and don't try to copy paste yourself cause Allah never made you like this.
You are one piece,
So behave like this!"
"Walk on your own way"
"Dare to Come, Forget to Back down"
"When you are in so deep, trapped some people will take their chances to criticize you. But the fact is you are not in deep for long time."

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