A message to Donald J. Trump from a Muslim

Dear Mr. Donald J. Trump,
First of all thank you for your non-valuable comment. You again proved that how to get attention easily. You got your exposure! Clap! Clap!! Clap!! You firstly proved that you are an attention seeker. Secondly you are a racist. Thirdly you are greedy.

You don't want to see any Muslims in your USA, right. And you want to stop entries of Muslims in you country. Okay this is not the first time. In 1973, the Justice Department filed suit against the Trump Management Corporation for alleged racial discrimination, which Trump's company disputed. The case was settled out of court in 1975. 

And talking this type of things are your nature. You and your company was always good in giving threats. In 1990, after an analyst at Janney Montgomery Scott said that Trump's Taj Mahal project would initially "break records" but would fail before the end of that year, Trump threatened to sue the firm unless the analyst recanted or was fired. The analyst refused to retract the statements, and was fired by his firm. Taj Mahal declared bankruptcy for the first time in November 1990. A defamation lawsuit by the analyst against Trump for $2 million was settled out of court. The analyst's statements regarding the Taj Mahal's prospects were later called "stunningly accurate". 

About your previous story according to a New York State report, Trump "circumvented" personal and corporate campaign donation limits in the 1980s by donating money to candidates from 18 different business subsidiaries, rather than giving primarily in his own name. Trump told investigators he did so on the advice of lawyers, and not to curry favor with business-friendly candidates, but simply to satisfy requests from friends. But now Mr. Trump is running his own campaign. 

Dear Mr. Trump,  Now coming back to the point. To you Muslims are terrorists. Okay, I got it. Which brands cloth you wear most of the time? Can I know? Cause some good types of Cotton comes from Pakistan, they are Muslim please throw your dress or any other cloths outside. 

Please for the sake of your own, again please do give blame to Muslims and Islam for this ISIS issue. Even you, your government and your president also knows that who is giving the back support to ISIS. Why your government left their arms, war equipment's and machinery at the war places? Why? How ISIS got access to them? 

Okay if you really don't want to see ISIS anymore than why your government is not taking a side with Russia to erase ISIS? 

Islam is a religion of peace. A real Muslim will never hurt any other religions people. Yes there is so many terrorist groups are available in this world and they are telling them Muslim but terrorism is in their blood. Islam never supports terrorism. Jihaad and Terrorism are not same. Not only Islam, no other religion supports terrorism.

I still do honor you like I do it to my father. But you are too old. Your words proves that. You are too much frustrated from you life. Money, Casino, Hotel or Golf can be a good entertainment but can't buy your happiness. Read Al-Quraan once. Then talk to us. Again telling you, Muslims are not terrorist. A terrorist is a terrorist, he/she never belongs to any religion cause no other religion supports terrorism not even Islam.

Thank you. Best wishes.

With regards,
An Ordinary Muslim.

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