Cruel and inhuman society killed 4 lives in Dhaka

In Dhaka, Bangladesh few days ago, 2 children burnt and died due to the gas explosion. Their mother was crying for her children's like a mad. No one helped her with a sheet to cover and save her children's when they were burning. Inhuman people.

Two days ago, 2 siblings died. People and family guessed that they died because of having poisonous food. Because they brought food last night from outside and they died the next day together. But after postmortem, Doctor said that both kids throat have some marks visible. It proves that they do not died because of having poisonous food, they were killed. And after a lot of investigation POLICE and RAB found that their mother killed them. So the "mother/murderer" called her daughter to her room, tried to strangle her with her dupatta and the daughter fell from the bed in the process and the mom finished the job on the floor. Then went on to killing the 6-year-old who was already sleeping in his mom's room with the same dupatta. 
Then called the dad that they were acting weird after eating the fried rice from the restaurant. 

One mother is crying for her children after losing them and another mother killed her children by her own hands by thinking about their future & economical independence. She said she was depressed but this does not sound like a depressed woman but a COLD BLOODED MURDERER who had everything planned. It's not like she was caught with a lover on a sudden urge to cover up she killed them! She was not even suffering from after death depression. She just did it for the sake of killing them. Hanging her is also an easy death. She should be stoned to death! 

Now-a-days, we are not safe. It's a so-called Society. Because there is no one to help anyone when someone is really in need of help. Someone is burning and neighbours are keeping door locks to keep themselves safe and alive! Even we can not help someone with a sheet. So it's clear that piece of a sheet is expensive than a life. Sorry, 2 life! Humanity is not available. It's died too!

May ALLAH send this 4 babies to Jannah! Rest in peace Brothers and sisters. This world is so inhuman. This world gave you guys a lot of pain. It was really not easy for you guys to die like this way but humanity died. Selfish world. 

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