Rothschild Family and their business around the world

Rothschild family is the wealthiest family on Earth. They are estimated to be worth over $350 Billion. The Central Bank of every single country is owned and controlled by them. They run the Central Bank of every country. Except 3 Countries North Korea, Iran and Cuba. But recently they got access to enter Cuba and Iran. But still there is no chance of entry in North Korea. 

During 2000, there were 4 more countries in that list who Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan & Libya. To trap them, they used USA. They wanted Afghanistan and Iraq first. The public couldn't know the reason behind the invasions. They needed a horrible excuse that would turn America against the Middle East. There is a reason people belive 9/11 was an inside job. The U.S. Invaded Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq 2003. So now, let's know how they entered in Afghanistan?

USA attack to Afghanistan:
You forget about 9/11? Yes, it was their own plan. Cause the 2nd Aeroplane who attacked the 2nd building that day was not a normal aeroplane. It was an asset of US Military. A big conspiracy exist in its back. United States of America attacked Afghanistan after this terrorist attack on New York City Twin Tower and Pentagon. They said that Osama Bin Laden is the man behind this. Osama Bin Laden and his Terror team Al-Qaidah also announced that they did that.

Then they attacked Afghanistan in the name of "Stop Terrorism". They invaded and infiltrated their land. This is done by Rothschild family and they used USA to do this. And with an unlimited amount of money and power, they could manipulate any country into doing it for them. 

USA attack to Iraq:
Rothschild families next target was Iraq. This time, the player and the game was same but the topic was different. US announced war on Iraq about the nuclear weapon. They invaded, killed, infiltrated their whole land. And this is the way they entered Iraq.

By 2003, Afghanistan's and Iraq's central banks got under control of the Rothschild Family. Their first step was complete. Sudan and Libya were Africa's last countries that weren't under their control now. This time they used United Nations as the puppet. Certain key people in the UN couldn't resist the money the Rothschild family offered them (They shall not be named). It changed decisions and interventions taken in certain countries, including Libya and Sudan, where the UN "intervened". 

How Sudan trapped:
In the case of Sudan, they played the political game. And this political game seriously hampered Sudan's internal politics. And by this way, Sudan divided by two different countries and it gave the birth of a new country named "South Sudan".

How Libya trapped:
Muammar Gaddafi was the President of Libya that time. In his time his country people were s happy. But U.S. was not happy with Arab's and they influenced "Arab Spring". Libya was affected by internal politics badly. People manipulated. Citizen journalism was at its best. Muammar Gaddafi caught and killed by its own people. Beside this the main reason behind Muammar Gaddafi's death was the project he was interested to introduce. A new currency for Africa. If he could make it happen, Rothschild family would face some sort of difficulties in this region. And they planned to kill him by his own people, and succeeded. 

By 2011, both Sudan's and Libya's central banks got under the control of Rothschild family. Instead of using force, the now trying to befriend the countries the Rothschild want control over.   Iran and Cuba were in that list. But what about North Korea? U.S. now fears about North Korea.

If you read the above link then you will get to know that it is clearly not easy to start a political game inside North Korea, because people are not connected with mass media, they are already enough brainwashed and manipulated, large number of patriotism. They can not be a friend also because of their previous relationship. And also it is not that easy to attack a country like North Korea, who is not only powerful in field but also they have a great source of nuclear bombs. 

They are now around the world:
Rothschild is one of the world’s largest independent financial advisory groups, employing approximately 2,800 people in 40 countries around the world.

The Wealthiest Family in Human History:
This may come as a bit of a surprise as you can browse through Forbes’ extensive rich list and not find a single mention of the name ‘Rothschild’ in their list of the 500 wealthiest people on Earth. This is because the Rothschild’s wealth has been distributed amongst hundreds of heirs throughout the years, and has therefore diluted each individual’s personal fortune. With this being said, it is estimated that the Rothschild Family as a whole still possess in the region of $350 billion USD in assets throughout the world. Bear in mind that this is a low estimation. Due to their great secrecy, the sheer amount of assets they hold, and the scale of their operations, it is difficult to estimate exactly how much the Rothschild Family are worth. Higher estimates have placed it in the region of $1 trillion USD, making them by far the wealthiest family on Earth.  Despite the dilution of the Rothschild Family’s wealth, there are still a number of extraordinarily wealthy individuals bearing the Rothschild surname. The largest of these fortunes belongs to the British financier Jacob Rothschild, who is worth around $50 billion USD, whilst another British financier, Sir Evelyn De Rothschild, has a fortune of $20 billion USD.

The Rothschilds' whole story is one of money, and it began in the 18th century. Their history is perhaps largely responsible for the modern belief that Jews control the world's money supply, which is not entirely unrooted in fact. Throughout Christian Europe, it was common for institutionalized anti-Semitism to prohibit Jews from owning property; so Jewish businesspeople had no choice but to work in the fields of commerce and finance, where money could be kept liquid and easily transferred or hidden. By denying Jews the stability of property ownership, Christians unwittingly forced Jews of the day into great financial expertise.

The Rothschild Family Are Behind the Suez Canal:
They really did have their fingers in all the pies, didn’t they? During the 19th century, if anything in the world needed a huge sum of money, a member of the Rothschild Family was there, ready and waiting. One such example of this is their involvement in the construction and owning of the Suez Canal, a canal in Egypt that connects the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea that is instrumental in trade between Europe and Asia. The Rothschild Family were the main backers and massively influential in the decision for Britain to purchase shares in the canal. This actually led to controversy because then British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli did not consult the Parliament when he made the decision. 

The Rothschild Family Are Behind the Country of Brazil:
Another example of the Rothschild Family’s involvement in political and world affairs is their involvement in the Independence of Brazil in the 1820s. The Brazilian Empire was then seeking to gain independence from their parent state, Portugal. There were multiple battles during this time until the Portuguese agreed that Brazil should be declared independent if they paid a compensation fee to their government. This fee was £2 million sterling, and was funded by none other than Nathan Mayer Rothschild. There was also an agreement in place that Brazil must take on a debt that the Portuguese government had to Nathan Mayer’s company, N M Rothschild & Sons. Obviously, the Rothschild Family profited greatly from these endeavors due to the interest they charged on the loans.

The Rothschild Family in the 21st Century:
It is estimated that the Rothschild family controls more than $350 billion worth of assets. The family wealth has been divided among many descendants throughout the years. There are a few Rothschild owned financial institutions still operating in Europe including N M Rothschild & Sons Ltd, in the United Kingdom, and Edmond de Rothschild Group, in Switzerland. The family also owns more than a dozen wineries in North America, Europe, South America, South Africa and Australia.

The Rothschild in Bangladesh:
Edmond de Rothschild Group, the family-owned European banking group, has expressed willingness to help Bangladesh's family-run businesses connect with enterprises abroad to expand their footprint internationally as well as attract investors.    Speaking to a group of entrepreneurs in Dhaka yesterday, Julien Pitton, managing director of Edmond de Rothschild Corporate Finance, said the group has been Europe-centric for more than three centuries.  Now, the company, based in Switzerland, is increasing its focus on Asia as the continent is growing. (Source - The Daily Star). The City Bank, Bangladesh have some official connections with them and they brought two Managing Directors of Groupe Edmond de Rothschild, Mr Julien Pitton and Dr Jogishwar Singh visited Bangladesh from September 9-13, 2015. And this event initiative has been taken by Office of the Prime Minister of Bangladesh and City Bank. So its easy to understand and believe that Bangladesh Government Bangladesh Bank and also City Bank has enough connection with Rothschild family.

I was surprised, astonished to know that Bangladesh Bank is also owned by Rothschild family. Because I never heard or know that. If you now anything more about Rothschild family and if yu think its important to add it in this blog, please comment below.

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