Turkish Hacker Group Leaked 3 Bangladeshi Bank's Data

Recently, five (5) South Asian banks user or customer credentials was apparently posted online May 10 by the Turkish hacking group Bozkurtlar that recently also leaked data tied to Qatar National Bank and UAE's InvestBank.
The total file archive contains 251 MB data of Business Universal Development Bank, 47 MB of Sanima Bank, 11.2 MB of The City Bank, 312 Kilobytes of Dutch Bangla Bank and 95 Kilobytes of Trust Bank, respectively.

The data reveals the following:

The City Bank - Dhaka, Bangladesh: This 11.2 MB dump has a single spreadsheet, which appears to contain the personal information of at least 1 million bank customers. Details including full name, father's name, mother name, date of birth, age, mailing address, contact number, permanent address and email. The most recent data is from August 2015.

Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited - Dhaka, Bangladesh: This 312 KB archive appears to contain records of customer banking transactions - either physical or internet banking. The researcher says that using admin credentials found in clear text in the dump, he was able to gain access from the public internet to the bank's ATM transaction analyzer for research purposes. The username/password appear to be very simple or default, he explains. "The website of Dutch Bangla bank appears to contain vulnerabilities and could have been the point of penetration to the internal servers or files."

Trust Bank - Dhaka, Bangladesh: The smallest archive at 96 KBs, the file contains two spreadsheets that, among other things, contain user ID, email, username and encrypted passwords. The latest file is from June 2015.

Along with this, 2 more Nepalese Bank's Data was leaked. They are:

Sanima Bank - Kathmandu, Nepal: This 47 MB archive contains a spreadsheet with customer information that includes name, account balance with current withdrawal and deposit details for the account. The most recent data is from February 2015. The bank's website appears to have been recently upgraded to enhance security, according to a message on the site, which asks users to change their passwords. An April 21, 2015 op-ed column in the online edition of the Kathmandu Post newspaper refers to fraud having taken place at Sanima Bank, although no other mention of the fraud is available on the site.

Business Universal Development Bank Bank - Kathmandu, Nepal: The largest of the archives released by Bozkurtlar hackers on May 10, the 251 MB file appears to contain email communication of senior management and managers in Microsoft Outlook format. The data also contains phone-banking customer details, including contact number, username, encrypted password and customer ID. The most recent data is from January 2015.

Information source - Info Risk Today , The Daily Star

Few months ago, Bangladeshi Bank Eastern Bank Limited was attacked by few foreigners by Card Skimming attack. He was arrested few days after that event with some of his local partners. He was able to steal around few million Bangladeshi Taka. And also Bangladesh Bank, the central bank of Bangladesh lost their $100M from Federal Reserve because of hacking last March 2016. So after this newest issues, it is clearly visible that, Bangladesh is clearly in front of gunpoint to the hackers.

People of Bangladesh are now widely interested about digitalization. Internet banking and mobile banking introduced us the different level digitalization. But our government and IT sector are still not that much aware about online and internet security. Government websites, telecom companies, multinational companies and private-public companies and individuals are under the threat of hacking in Bangladesh. We need to take proper and necessary steps to take our online and internet security in next level. Otherwise, we will have to wait for our next hacking attack.


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