How to use "Facebook Live" for Profile and Pages from Windows 10
Recently Facebook launched "Facebook Live" for all. All the users are getting it on their latest Facebook Apps. First Facebook introduced this for "verified" Facebook pages. And than, they introduced it for "Facebook Pages". Now a days its available on few "Facebook Profiles". Its already arrived for all the iPhone users. And its coming for Android users too.
I found this service important. And used it for more than 20+ times through "Page Manager" app for Android. A Live service like this is very much important for every single business and entity. But I was missing this service on my Windows 10 PC. Cause handling a mobile phone in hand for long time is really not possible. So I tried to find out a solution.for a long time since its release. And now I found its solution.
Recently, Facebook also introduced "Facebook" and "Messenger" for Windows 10. Few days ago, I posted a review on this. If you download, "Facebook" for Windows 10 from Microsoft Store, "Messenger" for Facebook is also available.
So how it works?
- Install it on your PC
- Click on it.
- Sign in
- Go to the "Home Page"
You will be able to see a page like this:
Now you will be able to see the live button beside photo, tag, feelings, location. The "Facebook Live" button is available near to right beside location button. Have a look in the next photo. Check the black marked box.
Now this is it. Enjoy "Facebook Live" from Windows 10 PC. Let me know if you found any problem.
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