The main problem of our country is our people

This is for all of you, my dear mates, Do you know the problem of this country?
In the western world, if you aware people, you will be called activist or citizen journalist. But if you do the same in Bangladesh, you are the culprit who is spreading panics among the citizens.

Guys, don't try to teach me on this topic. I was an active blogger and activist since 2009. I did not start by a night. I know what is a bit important for my country.

Last night, one of my closest sisters give a link of a Twitter account. Before it, I found in a lot of pages that, ISIS going to attack in Dhaka city again by this month in Bashundhora City and Jamuna Future Park. Then after getting the Twitter link, I found that Someone named "Kamil Ahmed - كامل أحمد" from his Twitter profile, '@kamil_ahmed_1' 25 minutes ago posted this status (snapshot attached). It is saying that "Next Target Jamuna Future Park #Mission20July". So according to his post, They are going to attack Jamuna Future Park by this month or this 20th July.

And then I tried to talk to that guy who was operating that account. He replied me 3 sentences. And lastly, when he do not have an answer, he replied "No More Questions". Yes, there is an 80% possibility lies on this topic that this news can be a fake news or another hoax. But beside this all, it can be true to. may be the target is not Bashundhora City, Jamuna Future Park. It can be anywhere. Before the attack, even 'Holey Artisan Bakery' was also unknown about their attacks. They are attacking individuals regularly. Even before any big attacks they announced, here is a proof - - check the Twitter snapshot at this post.

And then what I did? Created a post with that Twitter link, Twitter ID and added all the details. And then I shared it with my Friends, Fans and Followers. But now few people blaming me. They think that I was spreading 'Panics". So you guys really think that I posted it from my personal account to panic you guys? Seriously? I kept aware people on Facebook, Twitter and on my blog all the time. I wrote several articles, the topic was a personal issue even it was national and international issues.
My problem is I love Bangladesh. I don't have a problem in my head or brain but I have some problem in my heart. I fear about you. I fear to lose you. You, You and You. Every single person. Every single foreigners and Bangladeshis. I love my country, I love my country people. 

Lastly, I am not her to spread panic. If you really think that my way of awareness is disturbing you, please unfriend me whenever you want. I never told anyone to share, comment or read my posts. It's your problem that you can not close your eyes.

Sorry but in future, I will think thousand times before sharing anything. because you guys do not deserve to be awared. Some of the Facebook users have really low mentalities. They don't want awareness, but they love to post on satire pages.

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