After effect of FATAFATI FRIDAY, Daraz said 'great lesson' is a venture of Rocket Internet GmbH in Bangladesh. Last year in 4th December 2015 hosted FATAFATI FRIDAY along with one of the largest mobile phone operator company Robi. FATAFATI FRIDAY is a local version of Black Friday of westerns.

In this event, they expected that they will not get more than 1000 orders. But the whole scenario was changed in a day. They had to extend it 2 more days and the result was tremendous and overwhelming for them. More than 10,000 orders they collected in this 3 days. 1 million visit in this 3 days and every single office person was busy all day long in those 3 days.

Fashion, Mobile Phone, Home & Living and Television was the hottest category for FATAFATI FRIDAY. According to them “If we line up all our orders it will be longer than the Cox’s Bazar Beach. 70% orders are collected from Dhaka and Chittagong Division. Even Robi came up with a huge discount in this occasion. This event created some positive and negative reactions. Let’s know about negatives first.

Negative things what happened?
Many people complained on the social media about delivery issue. Delivery was delayed for more than two week. Daraz also agreed on the issue. Though they tried to notify people officially about the issue through SMS and Email. Some of the stocks ran out really fast. There were fake orders as well. But noticeably delay issue was biggest drawback of the such massive campaign.
What are the positive things? To me, it was really a great opportunity to see the reality of online shopping in Bangladesh. played a vital role to shake the eCommerce Industry. Why I am saying this? See - Black Friday and Cyber Monday was a dream for Bangladeshi eCommerce Industry. We do not have actual numbers of people who loves to shop online but through and their orders, it’s easy to identify that 5,000+ Orders are happening daily trough online daily. at least tried to give a flow to the market maybe there were some mistakes and delays. Basically Bangladeshi people are very much emotional.

As a venture of Rocket Internet GmbH, local people expected more professionalism from and also they are thinking it was unexpected from a company like them. Their expectation was too high from them. They are trying to create the online shopping trend. To develop it they must need enough time for this. It’s easy to say that now eCommerce websites are getting 3-5 million Page views per day even if it’s 10 million in a day I will not feel surprised.

As a positive thinker, I must say that is trying. They need chances. They are bringing some international theme in local version and local suppliers and brands are also helping them. Hope so will come up with tremendous customer care support during and after those specific, significant and signature days. is a Rocket Internet Venture Company. In back 2014, Daraz started their journey with only 5 people and now they have a team of more than 150+ people. And all of their employees are young and energetic, and their average age is around 25 years. is focusing on 3 (three) major things. They are:
  1. 100% authentic and brand new products.
  2. 7 days return policy
  3. Delivery at your doorstep.
300+ eCommerce shopping websites and 3,000 Facebook pages are doing regular online shopping business in Bangladesh. After beating them all, is selling more than 300 products per day.

They tried to change the future of eCommerce and Online Shopping in Bangladesh and I support them cause they need some chance. When every company is busy in ruining this industry, here is trying to introduce something new to the market.

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